Why is regular practice in the crisis management team so important?

Mainly because this is the only way to ensure that the measures and precautions taken in crisis management work and that the crisis team can handle all types of crisis situations.  Indeed, every organisation must be prepared to deal with complex and exceptional situations, including those it did not foresee or even imagine.

Our crisis management exercises help you to validate the resilience and optimisation potential of your crisis organisation, reaction and communication under realistic conditions and thus ensure the objectives of your crisis management.

From the planning of an exercise to the final exercise report, our experienced team navigates you through all the steps of a successful crisis management exercise:

How do we plan crisis management exercises?

We plan the exercise together with you. After determining the exercise objectives, you decide which threat situation you would like to be confronted with. Then we create the rough scenario for our storyline. The next step in the practice planning process is the creation of the script and all other exercise materials. We coordinate with you and create a realistic storyline for you. As supporting material, we also create fake news items, phone calls, radio messages, social media postings, email alerts, and the entire outside world. Depending on the degree of maturity, we engage your crisis management teams and internal professionals, integrate an evacuation exercise, or practice exclusively with the crisis management team.

How do we conduct crisis management exercises?

Your day of practice will be divided into different phases. The day starts with the introduction and can also include individual training or crisis management training on request. Once all the participants have been instructed, the exercise begins according to a pre-determined schedule that is supervised by the crisis exercise team. The crisis exercise team directs the events from the background. It is based on the script and situation-dependent if necessary. The exercise observers document the events in the focus and evaluate this at the same time, so that we record the experience gained and use these findings for further improvement. The practice day ends with a guided feedback session in which the exercise participants report on their experiences during the exercise and then the observers give their assessment.

How do we create an exercise report?

After completing the exercise, we will evaluate the collected information and summarize the results in a final report. In the final report, observations and evaluations are documented and corresponding suggestions for improvement and recommendations for action are listed.
