
As a member of numerous initiatives, associations and interest groups, we are committed to our core topics of business continuity management, IT service continuity management, crisis management and information security.

  • BCI: With over 8,000 members in more than 100 countries, the BCI is one of the largest networks for business continuity and resilience. The BCI plays a key role in the development of the discipline and also influences the development of international standards with its "Good Practice Guidelines".  

  • ASIS: With more than 37,000 members, ASIS International is the world's largest security organization in the private sector. As an internationally active professional association, its membership base consists of experts with security functions in industrial, commercial and service companies, as well as in government agencies and educational institutions. 

  • Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit: We are an official participant in the Alliance for Cyber Security. The Alliance for Cyber Security pursues the goal of strengthening the resilience of Germany as a business location against cyber attacks.

  • Deutsches Institute für Normung: We are a member of the German Institute for Standardization and a participant in the "Security and Business Continuity" standardization committee.